Final Reflective Statement - Minor

I have decided to continue along the same base lines as Premise in Year 2 for Minor and Major.
I feel I have come an extremely long way since I first started this course. I feel that my modelling skills for environments have significantly improved, even within the last few months. Minor has been very enjoyable for me to develop the grounds for Major. I have thoroughly enjoyed creating these stylised buildings and adding a wild amount of neon to fit with the Cyberpunk theme.
I really enjoy the theme of futuristic sci-fi, high-tech/low-life games and art so I feel pleased that I get to dive into this deeper and apply it to my own work.
When starting Minor I was super excited to get to work on a project that was fully my own. South Korea was an amazing experience I feel provided me with bucket loads of Primary Research that I was excited to get back and start modelling. 
In the middle of modelling I encountered a few learning curves that I managed to overcome on my own. Some of these learning curves were as simple as how to model certain things whereas some were more difficult like: having to remodel a building multiple times so I could unfold the UVs correctly so it'd be ready for texturing. UV's were originally something I majorly struggled with in the past so it feels good to slowly overcome this struggle and unfold successful UVs so I can then enjoy the texturing process.
Originally, I decided to only texture 1 building and model more but instead I decided to spend some time texturing more buildings as I was enjoying bringing the half of my scene I had almost finished creating to life. 
I loved experimenting with the lights for my renders, mesh lights are my new best friend. I mainly experimented with Arnold Skydomes, Mesh Lights and also aiStandardSurface Emission values for the small light details and neon signs.
Overall, I am super pleased with how far I have come during my journey through Minor and I am excited to crack on with Major and create a finished piece of work that I am truly proud of and will look back on as my career progresses in the future. 


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