Film Review - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
In our 4th lecture we watched, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. A 2004 non-linear narrative featuring, Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet. The Story follows Joel and Clementine begin their relationship after a train journey together. However they both get their memories clinically erased and they do not remember their tumultuous past.
As we see them on the train, their story begins, or so you think so. Joel and Clementine were actually formally lovers in their past who got their memories of each other removed after a breakup. They do this by going to see Dr.Howard Mierzwiak who owns the company, Lacuna. A place designed to erase certain unwanted memories from a person's mind. However, after starting the process, Joel doesn't want to erase Clementine as he isn't over her so he tries to plan to hide her in the personal memories of his past so that the people looking in his head cannot find her.
Towards the end, another character, Mary Svevo, a receptionist of Lacuna, realises she is in love with Dr.Howard even though she knows he is a married man. She goes on to find out that she has already had an affair with him and had her memories removed so she doesn't remember. This leads her to give the files of the procedure to Joel and Clementine. This is where they both realise what they've done and they decide to begin their relationship fresh and new.
Overall, although confusing at times, I quite enjoyed this movie. It made you think about what's going on and try to add all of the pieces together. I completely understand why the reviews on this movie are so good. I think after a second watch I would understand it hundreds times more.
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