Final Reflective Statement - Soundscapes
I have some mixed feelings on this project. In the end I enjoyed it and learnt to be proud of myself for my final sounds. I am, by all means, not a professional, so I actually found this good practice to learn more considering it was my first time creating my own sounds with things I found around my home. At first I struggled and thought that I wouldn't be able to create any form of sound that represents the images at all until I begun and realised that anything can sound like something if you tweak it a little and want that to be the sound for that specific thing. No one knows exactly what these images sound like so there isn't really a wrong sound to create when it comes to it. I felt this project was a good way to use my imagination and try to replicate create new sounds that I could only hear in my head. After learning the basics of Adobe Audition I found it quite fun to play with these sounds and just have fun. All in all I enjoyed the project and wouldn't mind messing around with sounds more in the future.
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