Final Reflective Statement - From Script to Screen
In all honesty, this project was a huge learning curve for me. Before starting, I had never completed any form of 3D animation on my own, and definitely not a Pre-vis piece. I had also never written a full script professionally either. At the start of this project I felt completely lost and unconvinced that I could even bring any ideas to come to the surface to even begin but, as time went by I realised that I can absolutely complete this project and all that matters is that I try my hardest and try not to let the fact that is may not be 100% perfect wane on my motivation.
After a tutorial with Justin I managed to finalise my script and get a good idea of what I wanted to make my story about and could go on to create my storyboard and develop a story I felt was worth telling.
Throughout this process I have gradually learnt how to use keyframes properly and how to playblast short clips and, after fixing some issues with corrupted files, put them together to create a short film.
I feel that due to my struggles at the start, I missed out on a few weeks of work that could of possibly made a beneficial change in my outcome, but I realise that without those few weeks of struggle I would've never learnt how to overcome it and come out, what I would like to think as, on top.
Overall, I am pleased with my outcome of the project and ability to be able to finish in time. I believe I learnt a lot throughout the process and these are skills that I can hone to, hopefully one day, perfection. So that they come easy to me and I can continue to grow skills in other, more advanced areas of Animation.
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