Story : Initial and Re-Imagined
Initial thoughts:
My initial thoughts for my story was to create some kind of action 2 minute short, considering I have a Volcano that needs to be involved.
Originally I thought the story could be about a plane crashing into a volcano and a crazy super-human lifeguard who dives into a volcano and saves all the people. But I later realised this was a little out of my reach and crazily extensive.
After a tutorial with Justin last week we went over my three things and developed a comedic story together.
The base of my story will be about a very muscly, strong looking man who is an aspiring lifeguard. Although, he has a very irritating personality and an immeasurable habit of twisting his life stories and lying to make himself seem more amazing than he truly is. He doesn't realise but everyone can see right through his lies.
The first scene will be him on a flight to his dream job in another country sitting next to another, quite shy and secluded, passenger of whom he starts to tell multiple stories of how he got his job.
He tells the passenger that he has been saving people and animals lives since he was young and that his employer believed he was the only one fit for the job (on the other side of the world).
His first story is about a time he saved a small kitten from a fence, which we then begins to change his story to a huge cat stuck up in a super high tree to make himself look better.
His second story is that he fell in a lake with fishes in and struggled to get out. In which he depicts as "Wrestling sharks in the ocean."
His final story is about how he scored his job. He exclaims his employer thought he was the only one who could take on this job as the waters are more dangerous in this country than at home. In reality his employer found him so annoying and irritating that he wanted to get him out of his office as soon as possible. To achieve this he decided to give him the job and make sure he gets sent as far away as possible so he never has to get stuck in a conversation with him again.
During all of these stories being told. The passenger starts to feel really uncomfortable and tries to find a way out of the conversation. He keeps looking back at the toilet for a means of escape but constantly gets cut off by the main character every time he tries to mention he needs to use the bathroom. When the stewardess comes by with the food cart he tries to get food as he is starving and gets cut off again by the main characters excessive chatting and never gets to order food and has to deal with being hungry for the entire flight.
Towards the end of the flight we can see the volcano of the island through the plane window. The passenger sighs a sigh of relief and says "Oh look we are almost there"
When the flight is over they shake hands and the passenger runs away as fast as possible.
Cutting to a month or so later we will see a shot of the main character in is uniform on his lifeguard chair. The volcano is in view in the background.
The main character is looking smug that he is a great lifeguard.
Suddenly the volcano begins to erupt and ash begins to fall onto his face. He looks at the volcano in shock.
People in the sea call to him for help out of the water fast and he looks at them and then back at the volcano and runs away as fast as he can.
Finishes with a shot of him running away, even though his job is to help and he looks like the kind of tough man that would help but really he is weak.
In the end, when it came to a real situation where he actually had to do what the role of 'Lifeguard' meant. He wasn't fit for the job and chickened out.
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